Plotting perimeters (areas) on GeoYukon is almost the same as the plotting lines: you create a KML file and upload it to GeoYukon. The major difference is the content of the KML file.
Step 1: Gather your data
You still have to gather your data, the same as in the simple method for plotting points.
Step 2: Prepare the KML file
Prepare a KML file as you did in Step 2 of the better version for plotting points. Copy this text into a simple text file. You can cut/paste using a text editor. This could be Notepad in Windows or even Microsoft Word in a pinch.
<kml xmlns="">
<name>Area 52</name>
<description>Area 52 description</description>
<Data name="URL"><value></value></Data>
<Data name="notes"><value>Some notes here about the area</value></Data>
Save that file with a .kml file extension. If you are using Word, ensure you save your data (File, Save as) as a plain text file. You might have to save it as .txt and then change the file name extension to .kml as a separate step.
Or you can download the KML file here: 3pts_area.kml . (Right-click and "Save as".)
Things to note:
- Spaces and blank lines in the file are not critical. They are there only to enhance readability.
- There is only one perimeter (area) in this example: three sides connecting three points with the fourth (last) point the same as the first point. If you wanted to include more than one perimeter, each one would have its own <Placemark> ... </Placemark> section.
- As for plotting lines, the actual geographical coordinates of each vertex (point) are all together, one after the other, between the <coordinates> and </coordinates> tags: longitude first, comma, then latitude, comma, then a zero.
- The KML file is very much like the KML file for a line. The only difference is closing the area by repeating the first point at the end so the end point is the same as the start point.
- You can customize name, description, snippet, Data URL, and Data notes values to anything you want. Their relevance will become clear once you have uploaded this file to GeoYukon.
Step 3: Upload the KML file to GeoYukon
The process for uploading the KML file is the same as for Step 3 in the better version of plotting points: File tab, "Upload Data," browse to your KML file, and click "Upload."
Once your perimeter appears on GeoYukon, try clicking on it. "View Additional Details" will then bring up the name, description, snippet, URL, and notes for that point that you included in your KML file.
Step 4: Go further
With some work, you could associate an online webpage or photo with each perimeter by putting an appropriate link in the URL part of the KML file. You could then click on the perimeter in GeoYukon and click on the URL to see that associated webpage or photo, and thus use GeoYukon as a front-end geographical interface to an information project.
You can associate other info with your perimeters, similar to the process outlined in Step 4 in the better version of plotting points.
If you want to put your own points, lines, and perimeters on GeoYukon all at once, prepare a separate KML file for each. This will ensure they end up on separate layers so you customize the appearance of each layer separately.
TimmiT History Exploration Notebook